Do we need a business Website if we have Facebook business page?


Today, millions of businesses have Facebook page and it is useful when it comes to reaching target audience and engaging with active customers. The advertising algorithms enable to business market and potential customers who need your services.

Your website also has reach. The vast majority of online encounters start with a search – billions of searches are carried out on Google every day, and they are likely to be people in the market for what you have to offer. If you’re not online, you’re already losing out to the competition.

Standing out from crowd

Investing some resources like Google Ad-words and SEO can be much more effective when it’s come to standing out from competition, and you getting your website in front of people for what they have to want. If you get your target audience to click on your websites, you will have their undivided attention.

Facebook is a recreational time pass for many people and it is not necessarily a time when they want to be marketed to, that’s mean you have work extra to stand out.

Building Business Brand

Your business website can be exactly what you want to be, built around your own domain name that people can search for, with your chosen images, descriptions, features and functionality. Essentially, you control the message and you can make a strong a first impression – and first impressions really do count.

Social Media support business websites

If you want people to access your business website, it is important to note that to giving up some control when using social media platform, it’s still important to have. Here you should use social media to support your business website. To do so you should use face book business page to promote your website.

When people access your face-book pages where they can click your website and browse your products and services and learn more about your company.

Is Website Important in Marketing?

In marketing strategy business website is an important part. your website is entire backbone of your business marketing campaign. Your goal should be generate more traffic through advertising of business.

Other way your Facebook business page’s main goal should be get active people to your website where they can convert into clients. On website clients get most essential information about your business like your company’s goal, company’s products and services do you offer and many more.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Your website is the hub for digital marketing content, here you can co-ordinate to your content marketing strategy and share updated and new information out to your face-book business page From your business website people can collect email addresses and start contacting with your company and receive your information and offers. The Facebook campaign and good SEO strategy can capture those to searching for your brands and services