How Can I Get More Traffic on A Blog?

Contrary to popular belief, increasing traffic to your blog does not have to be difficult. There are plenty of readers who are interested in what you have to say; you just have to know how to get their attention. We have compiled a list of 10 ways to help you do just that!

Start implementing them now and watch your blog traffic grow!

#1: Be Consistent

One of the easiest ways to get more traffic on a blog is to post diligently! This will help condition your viewers to keep coming back to read more. Not only does reliable and regular blogging inspire your blog audience to keep coming back, but it also helps build your reputation with search engines. Google, for instance, pays attention to what you publish. The more consistently you put out blog content, the easier it will be for Google to comprehend how to rank your website. Try to publish two times a week. If that’s too difficult, then do it once a week. However, if you can do more, try three times a week. Find a posting regularity that works with your schedule or budget. They commit to that schedule.

#2: Use Catchy Titles

First impressions are the whole thing, and the title of your blog post will be your audience’s first exposure to what you are writing about. Use a title that will capture their attention, while at the same time, clearly indicating what they can expect to read about as well as the benefit(s) that they will gain from doing so.

#3: Know Your Audience

If you own a painting company, it perhaps won’t make much sense for you to write a blog post focusing on your political opinions. Similarly, it wouldn’t make sense for a politician to blog about fashion as well as beauty tips, or a massage therapist to blog about car parts. Understanding your audience is important if you wish to drive traffic to your blog. Have a clear content strategy that’s intended to provide your audience with the info they need and want. Likewise, bouncing around from one subject to another is more likely to confuse your audience than to keep them engaged, therefore find your focus and stick with it.

For example, we focus our blog content on digital marketing topics. We bounce between different types of digital marketing (Blogging, SEO, PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing, etc.), to keep things interesting. Nonetheless, almost every post will fit into the overarching theme of digital marketing. And if a post doesn’t fit into the theme, there’s a very good reason for it. In your case, what would be the general theme as well as what specific topics should your write about, that fit into that theme?

#4: Promote Through Your Social Media Accounts

According to a Medium article, people spend an average of 2 hours & 23 minutes a day, on social media. Chances are your audience is on Social Media. And if so, it would make lots of sense to promote your blog posts on social media. Consider regularly sharing each blog post on your own social media accounts, whether it’s a business or personal profile. Also, keep in mind that there are automation tools that can make it extremely easy to push your posts onto social media either automatically or with very slight effort. If you decide to use an automated approach, make sure the social media posts are created according to best practices.

#5: Use Photos and Video

Including graphics for your written posts or short videos to complement your written content is another great way to attract a larger audience. Photos can help draw your audience and if done right can also help boost SEO. Videos help to increase your reach by making you more available on YouTube and allowing your audience to connect with you in a different way. However, if you use photos or videos, make sure to do it correctly.

One of the major mistakes we see with companies who are new to marketing is improper use & acquisition of images. This can hurt branding as well as can even lead to serious legal repercussions.

#6: Make Your Content Readable

Images and videos also work to break up text sections, which helps to make your blog post appear much more readable. Another easy way to do this is to add headers, numbered lists, and bullet points.

Another point about having readable content is to assume that your audience is reading at an eighth-grade level.

One more readability tip: when you write, do so in the same way you speak. For example, most people use contractions. Whereas students are often taught not to use contractions when writing papers in school because it is not professional enough, that does not quite hold true in blogging. The more conversationally toned you can make the blog post, the easier it will be for your audience to read it. Consequently, write in the same way you talk.

#7: SEO

We can’t say enough about using SEO in your blog posts. Creating a keyword strategy for every post is essential if you want to drive traffic to your blog. Choose a word or phrase that potential readers might use to find your blog post & strategically incorporate it throughout the content. It should be found in your title, a sub-heading, sprinkled throughout your content and coded on the backend to at least one of the images you use. To help illustrate this, the keyword phrase we chose for this blog post is “drive traffic to your blog.”

We frequently come across a great blog post somewhere on the internet & think “If only they took a title extra time to do SEO, they would get so many more views.” Once you know what to do to optimize your blog post for SEO, you can simply include it in your blogging process. Please take your time.

#8: Collaborate with Other Bloggers

Find other bloggers whose content and audience complement yours. Ask if you can guest post on their blog and offer to do the same on your blog. Building your audience is exponentially easier when you have other people working with you toward a similar goal. Additionally, guest blogging is usually a great way to get more links to your website. And that takes us to our next point!

#9: Use Links

Another great way to increase your reach is to include outbound links to other sites when you mention a product, person, or business. First, google looks for this, and for another, you may put yourself in a situation where a product, person, or business site that you mentioned returns the favor and offers to link back to your site.

Linking to other websites is certainly a good idea. But, make a point to try & get other websites to link back to you. This can be a wonderful way to drive traffic to your blog from third-party websites, while also improving your SEO. Taking it one step further, see if there are any websites that would be interested in syndicating your blog as well as sharing it through their own website.

#10: Share Buttons

 Let’s face it; we are a society that is deeply influenced by our peers. So, it stands to reason that if the content is shared by our friends, we are much more likely to read it ourselves. That’s why share buttons that allow your readers to promote your content on their own social media platforms are very important.